Abstract Preparation & Submission Guidelines
Submission Deadline: 19th February, 2024
The workshop this year will be focused on thirteen topics:
- Fisheries
- Stock Assessment and Modelling
- Stock, Management and Space
- Aquaculture
- Ranching and Diving
- Biology and Physiology
- Genetics, Reproduction and Biochemistry
- Diseases, Toxins, Parasites & Pollution
- Scallops and Environment
- Scallop Products and Markets
- Scallops in Society
- Scallop Fishing Industry Session
- Speedy Scallops (See Below)

Instructions for Oral Presentations:
Each oral presentation is limited to 20 minutes (including questions).
Instructions for Posters:
Poster boards measuring 1 m wide by 2 m high will be available for displaying your poster.
The size of the poster should not exceed 85 cm wide/120 cm high.
Instructions for Speedy Scallops:
(Daily, last 20 minutes of Session: ‘4 minutes – 2 slides – 1 question’ on any relevant session topic) (this will be an informal end to each session, and you can do a ‘speedy scallop’ in addition to your other presentation. You are not required to submit a separate abstract for these, but please indicate on the abstract submission form if you are intending to present a ‘speedy scallop’, and under which topic.
Abstracts for both Oral Presentation and Poster should be concisely written and submitted as follows:
(see Example Abstract above for submission template)
- Authors are required to upload the manuscript as Microsoft Word file (.doc or .docx).
- Set margins at 3 cm, top, bottom and sides. Abstract should be no longer than TWO pages in length (including any graphs and figures).
- Use Arial font. Character size: Title, 14, bold and centred. Type title in upper and lower case, standard title format. Authors, affiliations, email and text at a size of 12 points.
- Presenting author in bold. Group the authors by affiliation. Type affiliation below author lines. Include ONLY the affiliation name, city, state and country in abstract listing.
- Type body single spaced without any indents or tabs. Double space between paragraphs.
- Apply bolding, italics, underlining, superscripts and subscripts in your main text as you want it to appear in your final abstract.
- Full main address at the bottom of the abstract and email address of the corresponding author.
- Figures and tables will only be printed in grey scale; be sure that all features are clearly legible and in high resolution.
- All abstracts should be written in English. The Abstract File Name must contain your first and last name as in the following example: “Pecten_Fondler_Abstract.docx”
- Your abstract will be reviewed by the Organising Committee and you will be informed about the acceptance of it shortly after submission.
- All student presentations, both oral and poster, will be entered into the Student Presentation Competition (Student must be the first author and presenter).
Abstract Submission Form